Friday, August 10, 2018

Using A Monkey Fist For Self Defense Is Legal

Monkey Fist Self Defense Tool - Image Source Wikipedia
There are a lot of different ways that you can defend yourself today. You are not limited to just using your hands, your feet, or any outside weapons. However, not everything that you come across in the spectrum of self defense is legal. For instance, you cannot just go around with brass knuckles in your pocket and expect to not get in trouble if you break someone’s jaw. The same can be said about a lot of the weapons and elements that you may find online, and through martial arts stores. That doesn’t mean that you can’t have anything to defend yourself, as you can utilize a variety of options, including what is known as a monkey fist to defend yourself. But before you start looking for, monkey fist self defense legal, you should know what this is, and how it can help you with defending yourself outright.

What Is A Monkey Fist?

The first thing that you should know is that a monkey fist is a knot that comes from nautical arenas. It is named as such because it looks like a balled up fist, similar to what a monkey would have if he was going to throw a punch. When you see it, you’ll be able to denote the similarities in how it looks. It is usually made of rope, and it is attached across a simple rope. If you were to look at one, it would simply look like a rope that has a small ball at the end of it. The self defense element of, monkey fist self defense legal, is that the ball at the end of the line is weighted with a small metal piece. That metal piece is weighted and is a ball that is no larger than a marble in most cases. While you can find monkey fists with billiard balls in them, the majority of people that are using these, will simply have a small solution, no bigger than 6 inches in length or so.

How To Use A Monkey Fist

The easiest way to use a monkey fist is to strike like you would a pair of nunchucks. You hold one end, the non-weighted solution, and you literally swing it to allow the ball to hit a target. Your momentum will carry the ball to the intended target, and it will sting like crazy. You can test it on yourself if you’d like, swinging it in a full fulcrum and then letting it hit your hand or body. However, when you go at this full strength, you will realize why so many are looking online for, monkey fist self defense legal.

Is Using A Monkey Fist For Self Defense Legal?

The short answer is, yes. These are often found as small options. However, if you have a large rope that is tied to a billiard ball, then you could face scrutiny from a police officer. Chances are, you are not going to be carrying around a large monkey fist wherever you’re going. However, they do make key chains, and other paracord solutions that you could purchase. These are not expensive self defense tools, and if you are truly looking to defend yourself, then you may want to look into how a simple looking keychain is meant to stop nefarious people from attacking. You don’t need to search for, monkey fist self defense legal, as it’s legal to use. It can save your life, and if you use it correctly, it could even break a brick! Either way, monkey fists are great tools for self defense, and perhaps one of the hidden gems of survival tools and more.

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