Wednesday, June 27, 2018

Can Learning To Fight Online Be Helpful For Self Defense?

Regular Classes Work Too - Img Src New York Times 
Right now there are a lot of different methods that you can pursue regarding self defense. If your plan is to learn to fight, for whatever reason, you can definitely take on any one of the common solutions today. That includes going to a one on one teacher, or visiting a training facility. But if you’re looking at learning how to defend yourself in a different fashion, on your own time, then you’ll need to pursue the common solutions that are permeating the internet. That begs to question, can you learn to fight by choosing online solutions? There are a few notes on this, and it’s easy for me to tell you, yes you can, and it is helpful. But why? Here are the reasons why you should focus on learning self defense online.

Taking Your Time To Learn Self Defense

The major reason why I advocate learning self defense online is because you can take your time. Because programs that are meant to teach people online are meant to be on the internet, you decide how you learn and when to learn. That means that you can take several weeks to learn, or you could take several months, or even a few days. You get to decide how much you want to invest in learning how to fight, and much more. When you focus on the idea of learning to defend yourself, take your time to learn, and use the online resources that you will be getting from the source. If you have any questions, or you need support, many of the programs that are most popular will answer your questions, and in some instances, you’ll have one on one coaching to improve your stances and more. Taking your time means that you control the learning process, and you will not feel like you’re wasting your money at all. You can learn to fight online.

Repeat The Lessons As Many Times As You Would Like

The next big thing that you need to be aware of is how often you will need to repeat your lessons. Let’s say that you were to go to a dojo and learn from a real teacher. This is not a bad thing, you are going to learn how to fight from them, but here’s the problem, you are going to have to only learn within the confines of the lesson. After an hour or two of lessons, you have to practice at home, and that means that you cannot repeat the lesson. With the use of online solutions, you can learn to fight, and repeat any lesson that you want many times over. That means that you can master all of the motions, all of the moves, and much more on your own time. If you need to repeat a lesson 100 times, you are not charged extra for it, and that’s a major positive to consider overall.

Money Back Guarantees If You Do Not Learn To Fight

Here’s the real deal about learning to fight online. If you purchase one of the programs that I’ve listed below, or you decide to search out your own path somewhere else, you will be subject to a money back guarantee. That includes anything that you purchase from If you don’t learn how to fight, or you find yourself wasting your time, you’ll end up being able to get your money back, and that’s that. Remember, you are in the driver’s seat in terms of learning how to defend yourself with these programs. That’s what these programs are designed for, so that you can learn to fight on your own time. You decide when, where, and how, and that’s the big thing. But if you don’t like that, it’s ok, you can get a full refund and that’s something that you may not be able to get with a real life instruction or dojo.

The following are options that can help you learn how to fight today. These are recommended by me, and help in a variety of ways.

Combat Fighter – self defense for the real world, and something that you can learn on your own time, with proven results. Click HERE for a discount and information.

Renegade Mindset For Fighter – already know some self-defense? Or perhaps you want a psychological edge in your daily routine? Here is a solution that helps you get into the right mindset as a fighter. Click HERE for a discount and information.

Real Life Self Defense – want to learn how to fight the real way? Here is a focused solution that is meant to help you learn self defense with minimal effort, and through proven expertise. Click HERE for a discount and information.

Self Defense Lessons Via Amazon – Not sure where to start? Then Click HERE, and you can look through thousands of videos, books, and more about self-defense, learning, and so much more.

Saturday, June 23, 2018

3 Ways To Remember How To Fight

Remember How To Fight - Fist Fighting In Russia
There are many avenues that you can progress towards if your plan is to learn how to fight. For the most part, you can take your time and learn how to do a variety of moves, but if you do not focus on a few notes, you will not end up retaining what you practiced. Practicing is an important part of learning any self defense solution, but that's not enough. You could practice in a dojo or at home, and over time get bored. People today get bored nearly all the time. Think about the last time you learned how to do something, and how long that lasted? The average martial artist is going to start working on learning how to fight and eventually will stop, or will continue on the life long path of self defense. But what about you? Your goal may not be to fight in the UFC, it may be just to learn how to defend yourself. If that's the goal, then you'll want to look into a few ways to remember what you learn in self defense courses, or if you purchase a program online, or just about any path of progress you take. The following will help you remember things better, as you progress on your quest to learn how to fight.

Learn Proper Form

No matter whom you're going to learn from, no matter where you are going to take your classes, you need to learn proper form. This is the critical balance between learning how to defend yourself, and doing something that can hurt you. When you take classes, read through magazines, books, or subscribe to the options below, you need to make sure that you take into consideration what you're learning, and how you're progressing with each step. As you learn how to fight, you need to know the proper form, and correct yourself if you're doing something wrong. In a dojo, a teacher will ensure you are getting a helping hand with form, but at home, that's your job. If you cannot do something at first, don't give up on it, just take your time, and keep trying until you nail it. Once you nail it, keep moving forward with it.

Go Back To Basics When You Learn How To Fight

It is easy to forget the fundamentals when you start to progress with your self defense courses. As you learn how to fight, you will need to revert back to the start from time to time. That doesn't mean that you have to do this alone, but rather take your time, building on the original ideas, so that you never forget them. Humans, no matter how great they are, have the tendency to forget certain, "simple" things, over time. You may end up losing sight of form, or even lose focus on the original ideas that you started with, so go back and review them from time to time.

Repeat, Repeat, Repeat

There is no way to avoid this. I don't like it, and a lot of martial artists don't like it either, and it is repetition. When you learn how to fight, you have to progress with repetition on a regular basis. The more you do something, the better you're going to be at it, and that includes fighting. Your goal is to learn self defense, and if you don't focus on the repetition of the moves, the practice necessary to learn all the motions, and much more, you'll end up losing out on what you want to learn.

The following are options that can help you learn how to fight today. These are recommended by me, and help in a variety of ways.

Combat Fighter – self defense for the real world, and something that you can learn on your own time, with proven results. Click HERE for a discount and information.

Renegade Mindset For Fighter – already know some self-defense? Or perhaps you want a psychological edge in your daily routine? Here is a solution that helps you get into the right mindset as a fighter. Click HERE for a discount and information.

Real Life Self Defense – want to learn how to fight the real way? Here is a focused solution that is meant to help you learn self defense with minimal effort, and through proven expertise. Click HERE for a discount and information.

Self Defense Lessons Via Amazon – Not sure where to start? Then Click HERE, and you can look through thousands of videos, books, and more about self-defense, learning, and so much more.

Thursday, June 14, 2018

Can You Really Learn To Fight On The Web?

Learn To Fight On The Web - kung fu manual source chinesemartialstudies com
One of the questions that is asked about martial arts, and the idea that you can learn to fight, is about whether you can do it on the web or not. There was a time when I would absolutely would tell you that it’s impossible. But today, it is not impossible, and as I’ve noticed lately, a lot of people are learning how to defend themselves, stretch, move, and do so much from home. Some are skeptical about this, and to tell you the truth, I was too, until I started to investigate self defense products that I was getting advertised all the time. There are several reasons why you can learn to fight on the web, and it’s really an interesting note if you are not sure if you want to pursue martial arts online.

The Mixed Media Approach

We all learn differently. You learn differently than I learn, but there is something that is common between everyone, and that’s the fact that interdisciplinary approaches, work. When you look at whether you can learn to fight on the web, or not, you’ll find that you can learn through video, audio, and visual representations. Thanks to the miracle of technology, you could download full motion video in minutes, and get a full lesson plan within a short span of time. Some of the best trainers are teaching online, in real time, and will give you access to private forums, one on one teaching, and a lot more. This is something that helps students of all ages, backgrounds, and geographic locations. The mixed media approach is something that is guaranteed to help you learn, and will garner success for anyone that is truly committed to learning how to defend themselves through the internet.

The Repetition Element

In learning martial arts of any kind, even if your purpose is solely to learn to fight, you will find that repetition is your friend. This can be true about learning anything, to be honest. Whether you want to learn a new language, or you want to learn how to program code, or even write blogs for a living, repetition is your friend. The thing about learning how to fight online is that you can repeat the lessons over and over again. This is an advantage over going to a dojo, as you may not get the repetition factor through class room settings as much as you could in your own time. Let’s say you really wanted to learn how to defend against a knife attack, and you wanted to just practice certain motions. You could technically do that daily, and keep your muscle memory going just in case you ever are in that situation. It builds confidence, and it gives you a focused approach to learn through repetition.

Support Groups and Help

I’ve managed to look into several links about learning self defense, and have even purchased a few options for review, and one thing that comes with a lot of the programs that you see on the web is a support group. The links below, for instance, come with a lot more than just a manual, they come with full videos, support, and forums that you can get help on. You can meet other people, and train together, or talk about any of the issues that you are facing with your training and much more. Remember, people that teach self defense aren’t just trying to get paid, they want you to be able to defend yourself when you have no other option. The support groups and help that you can get will prove to be one of the most valuable elements of the process of learning to fight. If your goal is to learn to fight, then you owe it to yourself to look online for assistance, programs, and more.
Resources To Help You Learn To Fight

The following are options that can help you learn how to fight today. These are recommended by me, and help in a variety of ways.

Combat Fighter – self defense for the real world, and something that you can learn on your own time, with proven results. Click HERE for a discount and information.

Renegade Mindset For Fighter – already know some self-defense? Or perhaps you want a psychological edge in your daily routine? Here is a solution that helps you get into the right mindset as a fighter. Click HERE for a discount and information.

Real Life Self Defense – want to learn how to fight the real way? Here is a focused solution that is meant to help you learn self defense with minimal effort, and through proven expertise. Click HERE for a discount and information.

Self Defense Lessons Via Amazon – Not sure where to start? Then Click HERE, and you can look through thousands of videos, books, and more about self-defense, learning, and so much more.

Wednesday, June 13, 2018

Questions To Ask Before You Learn To Fight

Learn To Fight In Various Ways - Image source
People that are looking at self defense classes are not going to find a shortage of options. In fact, you’re going to be overwhelmed by the sheer amount of things that you can focus on today. If you r goal is to learn to fight, you can type that into any search engine and get a lot of results. But what if you wanted more? Well, that’s where the following tips and tricks are going to guide you. These are some of the basic ideas that you should consider before selecting a program that can help you learn how to fight back, and defend yourself. Whether you’re a man, woman, or you have children and you want them to learn to defend themselves against bullies, take these tips to heart.

What Self Defense Style Do You Want To Learn?

Do you have an idea of what you want to learn? Seriously, think about what you want to get out of any major program and ask yourself what it is that you seek. If you are just looking to learn to fight, you can find a lot of programs that can help you with just that. If you want something a bit more nuanced like kung fu, or MMA training, then you will need to look into that type of solution. Self defense isn’t always relegated to what you see in the UFC, or what Jackie Chan or Bruce Lee does. They know martial arts, and they know how to defend themselves, but for the sake of movies, they are telling stories and are dancing with their partners in many ways. You may find teachers that can help you learn the techniques that they are exaggerating in movies, but the goal of course is to defend yourself when necessary. That is why you should think about what style of self defense you want to pursue, and whether you want to learn pure fighting methods, or you want to learn style and work with tournament style lessons.

How Do You Want To Learn To Fight?

Take into account that when things like kung fu were being introduced, they were done in two methods. They were passed down from family members to others in a one on one setting, and they were shown in manuals of paper. Today, the same traditions can be worked with. You could learn to fight with a paperback book, a video lesson, visit a dojo and have a teacher show you the moves, or you could invest in mixed media programs like the ones that we link to at the bottom of every post of this blog. You have to ask yourself, how do you want to learn, and what will work best? For most, learning on their own time, and letting a teacher show them how to work through the moves is best. For others, having a real world teacher and a place to go is best. You have to decide what is going to work for you personally, and then move forward. For me, books, and mixed media like those shown below in the links are what works best, but you may want to go to a dojo on a weekly basis.

How Long Do You Want To Learn For?

The next major question that you should be considering is whether you want to be a life long student of martial arts, or if you want to just learn the dirty basics of defending yourself? There is nothing wrong with either option, but if you want to learn longer than just the initial lessons, you’ll need to invest a bit more time, money, and effort into what you’re doing. When you learn to fight, you are not just learning one thing, you’ll be learning many things, and for some, that could take years or a lifetime. That doesn’t mean that you won’t be able to defend yourself in a few months, it just means that you may want to keep updating your skill set for nearly any situation.

Are You Willing To Truly Learn To Fight?

Perhaps the easiest of questions to answer overall is also one of the most important ones, and it’s are you willing to truly learn to fight? If you can truly say that you want to learn, and you really want to pursue this on a larger scale than just a “one time” lesson plan, or something simple, then you should take your time and look at some programs that are available online. Choose one of the options below, for instance, and stick to it for a few months. Once you feel comfortable with the movements, then upgrade to other options or seek out a dojo or trainer that will help you learn more complex movements within martial arts, self defense, and fighting. At the end of the day, you have to decide what your goals are in terms of learning to fight, and honestly, that’s something that I cannot answer for you. But the links below can help you see just a few popular styles that help many learn how to fight, defend themselves and more.
Resources To Help You Learn To Fight

The following are options that can help you learn how to fight today. These are recommended by me, and help in a variety of ways.

Combat Fighter – self defense for the real world, and something that you can learn on your own time, with proven results. Click HERE for a discount and information.

Renegade Mindset For Fighter – already know some self-defense? Or perhaps you want a psychological edge in your daily routine? Here is a solution that helps you get into the right mindset as a fighter. Click HERE for a discount and information.

Real Life Self Defense – want to learn how to fight the real way? Here is a focused solution that is meant to help you learn self defense with minimal effort, and through proven expertise. Click HERE for a discount and information.

Self Defense Lessons Via Amazon – Not sure where to start? Then Click HERE, and you can look through thousands of videos, books, and more about self-defense, learning, and so much more.

Tuesday, June 12, 2018

Will You Waste Your Time If You Learn To Fight?

Learning Kung Fu - Source
There are a lot of questions that you will ask yourself about fighting. If you are thinking about learning how to defend yourself, you will find that you can waste a lot of time at the start. Myself and many others have wasted a great deal of time trying to learn, and found a way to fight in different arenas. That leads me to consider whether or not you will learn to fight and waste your time. That’s a hard question to answer at first glance, but honestly, you can definitely focus on a few things that will highlight the true answer.

Do You Know Anything About Fighting?

How are you approaching the idea of learning? Have you ever thought about what it would take for you to learn to fight? Do you know anything about it? If you were to be approach by a thug today, without a gun, without a knife, but just fists, could you take care of yourself? Most people cannot. So what should you do? The best answer may be to run, which is not a bad idea, but if you want to stay and fight, you’ll need to look at learning how to fight back and do so with safety.

How Badly Do You Want To Learn To Fight?

Ask yourself this question, and then answer it truthfully. Do you truly want to learn to fight? A lot of people don’t want to learn, but they want to look cool. People want to learn how to be the next Jackie Chan or Brue Lee, but when they start to workout the way that they do, and learn the movements that are required for kung fu, self defense, and more, they realize that it’s a lot harder. It’s difficult to learn how to be a master of fighting, and as illustrated by CM Punk in the UFC, you’ll find that it’s very difficult to move forward within the world of fighting, whether for competition or not.

Is Learning To Fight Something You Truly Want To Do?

Before you invest in any program, buy a membership to classes, or work with any sort of fighting method, make certain that you truly want to learn to fight. For me, I knew it was going to take a long time, and even now, I still am learning, and many others are learning alongside me. It’s a life long commitment for fitness, and learning fighting methodology. I’ll never be Bruce Lee, and I’ll never be as cool as Jet Li, but in public I have a bit more confidence, and I’ve managed to garner some weight loss as well. Learning to fight takes time, it’s not a quick sprint, and you could very well be wasting your time if you’re not honest about what you want, where you want to go, and why you want to learn to fight.
Resources To Help You Learn To Fight

The following are options that can help you learn how to fight today. These are recommended by me, and help in a variety of ways.

Combat Fighter – self defense for the real world, and something that you can learn on your own time, with proven results. Click HERE for a discount and information.

Renegade Mindset For Fighter – already know some self-defense? Or perhaps you want a psychological edge in your daily routine? Here is a solution that helps you get into the right mindset as a fighter. Click HERE for a discount and information.

Real Life Self Defense – want to learn how to fight the real way? Here is a focused solution that is meant to help you learn self defense with minimal effort, and through proven expertise. Click HERE for a discount and information.

Self Defense Lessons Via Amazon – Not sure where to start? Then Click HERE, and you can look through thousands of videos, books, and more about self-defense, learning, and so much more.

Friday, June 8, 2018

5 Best Practices To Help You Learn To Fight

Learn To FIght With 5 Best Practices - Image of YMAA Gorey Class From IE
Many people have thought about the process of learn how to fight. You may have thought to yourself that it’s time for you to chase this as well. If you have wondered about how to pursue the notion of learning how to fight for yourself, you may not know where to start. It’s for that reason why the following has been compiled. For those that aren’t sure where to start, but still want to learn to fight. These are 5 of the best practices that can help you with the process of learning how to fight for yourself, without complexity, and in your own time.

5. Self Defense Courses In Person

You can go online right now and search for things like, learn to fight, and then add your local city. You will find that there are a lot of options that you can explore. I for one, live in Indianapolis, Indiana. I searched the text with the addition of my zip code and received 10,000 results, with the top 10 results being those that are focused on kung fu, MMA, and self defense courses at my local YMCA. Some of them have free classes to start, others charge a discounted rate to start, and some are only available for members of certain gyms. Either way, this is a great way to learn any major fighting method, as you’ll have time with a teacher, and others that will be learning alongside you.

4. Best-Selling Martial Arts Books

Go to any major bookstore and type in, learn to fight, or perhaps the name of a famous fighter. Let’s say you were to go to a major bookstore and look up, Bruce Lee. You’ll find that there are biographies about him, but also his fighting method. In fact, there are 3 major books that you can pick up that are specific in detailing how Bruce Lee fought, and his training methods. You could emulate the master, and you could be just as good, or at least continue to evolve as a fighter thanks to the work that he and his disciplines have put out. You could subscribe to his version of kung fu, and learn how to fight the right way, if that’s what you want.

3. DVD Instructional Guides Help You Learn To Fight

There are a lot of DVD guides that you can purchase. Some are basic, some are complex, but there are a lot of options that you can work with. You can find some that are amateur productions, and some that are complex productions. Each option will let you learn how to fight with simple starting points and the more you focus on these things, the higher the focus will be for you to process the information. If your goal is to learn how to fight, you will find that DVD instructional guides can be a great thing. You can purchase these from Amazon, or you can use the links below to get videos, and so much more. These are easy to work with, and you can control how fast you’re learning, even repeating things you may have missed. It’s a great way to learn, at your own pace, with a visual style.

2. Using YouTube Videos To Learn To Fight

Another option that you may want to explore is a free solution, and that’s the option that comes with learning to fight through videos. This is a solution that you can start looking at online, especially through websites like YouTube. At the time of this writing, there are over a million videos that show you specific fighting techniques, exercises, and more that you can use to learn how to fight nearly every method. Whether you want to learn how to throw a punch, kick, or you just want to learn to fight, you can easily do this with the free videos provided by many people on this website.

1.Purchase A Program (Mixed Media) To Learn To Fight

The option that I recommend the most, and one that has helped me out in recent years, which is one of the inspirations for this blog is a mixed media solution. The links that I provide below each post are just some of the options that work best in regards to learning how to fight, and working with self defense in the comfort of your home. For a low cost, you can get access to a lot of very specific information about how you can learn to fight, self defense, and more. You can learn the right mentality, you can learn how to throw punches, block yourself, and help you get nerves of steel at the same time. These options have videos, text, and much more to show you step by step how to learn how to fight the right way.
Resources To Help You Learn To Fight

The following are options that can help you learn how to fight today. These are recommended by me, and help in a variety of ways.

Combat Fighter – self defense for the real world, and something that you can learn on your own time, with proven results. Click HERE for a discount and information.

Renegade Mindset For Fighter – already know some self-defense? Or perhaps you want a psychological edge in your daily routine? Here is a solution that helps you get into the right mindset as a fighter. Click HERE for a discount and information.

Real Life Self Defense – want to learn how to fight the real way? Here is a focused solution that is meant to help you learn self defense with minimal effort, and through proven expertise. Click HERE for a discount and information.

Self Defense Lessons Via Amazon – Not sure where to start? Then Click HERE, and you can look through thousands of videos, books, and more about self-defense, learning, and so much more.

Thursday, June 7, 2018

Learn To Fight And Your Success Rate Could Rise Exponentially

Learn To Fight and Improve Mental Health - Brain Power Illustration Image
There are definite benefits that come with learning how to defend yourself. But did you know that if you were to learn to fight, you could very well enjoy various benefits to your success in life. This can blend into your daily routine, your work, and everything else that you’re working on. There are mental benefits that come with this type of work, and you’re going to find that the benefits come in from day one. Learning to fight is not just about helping your physical movements, it’s something that can help with mental focus, confidence, and so much more. If you’re not fully aware of how fighting and success are mutually beneficial, consider the following notes regarding this.

Learn To Fight and Gain More Discipline

The first thing that you are going to find to be true when you decide to learn to fight is that you’re going to be gaining discipline. Do you have problems getting up early? Getting work done? Having trouble getting to the gym, or just doing anything positive in your life? Wish you did better? Well, when you decide to take on the process of learning self defense, you’re going to end up with a positive push forward in terms of discipline. Discipline is the major factor that separates you from the things that you want to do. Look at the most successful people in the world, and they all have this in common. If you want to succeed in life, disciplining yourself is going to be a premier function that you are going to want to pursue, simple as that.

Manage Stress Levels Easier

Everyone has to deal with a certain level of stress on a daily basis. Whether you have to do it for your work, for family life or just about anytime in your life, you are going to need to learn how to manage this. Managing stress is difficult for anyone, but what if you could ensure that you’re able to gain the upper hand? That’s where the focused energy levels of learning to fight can help you. You see, when you learn to fight, you will learn how to build your self confidence up to a point where stress is not hard to navigate. You can release your stresses, energy, and remove mental blocks through exercise, and through the physical actions that you will go through while learning how to defend yourself. Furthermore, you will know how to manage your heart rate, breathe easier, and stay calm when things seem overwhelming.

Help Your Decision Making Process

One of the proven benefits that comes with learning how to fight is that you’ll be able to make split-second decisions. Think about professional MMA fighters, and you’ll see that they have to decide what to do against an opponent, then close off the gap to finish them off. You are not going to be a trained killing machine, or a pro-fighter, but when you decide to learn to fight, you are going to be able to make fast decisions without worry. No matter what your job entails, you can ensure that you will be moving forward with the right decision, even when others take their time to weight the options. You won’t need to, because you’ll have confidence, and understanding of what’s going on, and will be able to get things done faster, and without worry of whether it was the right one or not. You’ll pick the right one nearly ever time, simply because you’ll have confidence, and mental focus that others will not have.

Look, it’s easy for me to tell you that you should learn to fight. But only you can make that decision. The mental elements that come with learning how to defend yourself can help you improve in everyday life. That includes focusing on mental capacity, memory, cognitive function, and of course dealing with mental stress and so much more. Test out the process of learning self defense in your home or with a teacher, and see how your life can change for the better, guaranteed.
Resources To Help You Learn To Fight

The following are options that can help you learn how to fight today. These are recommended by me, and help in a variety of ways.

Combat Fighter – self defense for the real world, and something that you can learn on your own time, with proven results. Click HERE for a discount and information.

Renegade Mindset For Fighter – already know some self-defense? Or perhaps you want a psychological edge in your daily routine? Here is a solution that helps you get into the right mindset as a fighter. Click HERE for a discount and information.

Real Life Self Defense – want to learn how to fight the real way? Here is a focused solution that is meant to help you learn self defense with minimal effort, and through proven expertise. Click HERE for a discount and information.

Self Defense Lessons Via Amazon – Not sure where to start? Then Click HERE, and you can look through thousands of videos, books, and more about self-defense, learning, and so much more.

Losing Weight While You Learn To Fight

UFC Ripped Fighter - Photo by Ed Mulholland/Getty Images
First and foremost, not everyone is going to be as thin and fit as the stars of the lightweight division of UFC. You’re not going to look like Bruce Lee if you learn to fight. People have this idea that they are going to be able to emulate what they see in kung fu movies, and through the lens of MMA and more, but that’s not always the case. Learning how to defend yourself does not always mean that you are going to get the body of a god or even a professional fighter. However, there is one thing that you should know about learning how to defend yourself, and that’s the fact that you can lose weight. That’s right, there are several reasons why you could lose weight while learning how to fight, and it’s a matter of simple technique.

Getting Active

The very first thing that you are going to find to be true if you learn to fight is that you’ll start to get active. Getting active is a good thing. Active movement is going to burn calories. A caloric burn is not a bad thing, and could very well change how you feel about your body, as you will learn how to stretch, move your limbs, and engage muscles that you may not be using a great deal of the time. If you’re not active right now, then you will want to look into learning how to defend yourself with relative ease. Getting active is going to be one of the main reasons why you will drop weight, over time. Get active, and you’ll see the pounds fall off, even if you’re just starting out.

Boosting Metabolic Rate While You Learn To Fight

Could you possibly help your metabolism by simply focusing on fighting? The truth of the matter is simple, yes! The reason why this happens is because you’re going to be engaging your core. You will be engaging your core muscles, and you will be isolating certain muscular systems that let you stretch, move, and gain faster physicality. Boosting metabolic rate through the process of posing, moving, and activity is one of the benefits that comes with learning self defense from an expert, or even with the help of a book, video, or other options. When you learn to fight, your goal is to focus on changing how you move your body when involved in an altercation, or under stress. The process of learning will help you boost metabolic rate over time.

Stretching Your Muscular System

One of the most compelling workouts that people do right now is that of Pilates. This involves stretching your limbs, muscles, and giving your body a help with resistance that is meant to aid in weight loss and strength training. One of the things that you will learn when you learn to fight, is how to use the same principles that Pilates uses to help striated muscle, and increase flexibility with relative ease. You will lose weight as you stretch your body, and create room for fat cells to get burned off, and give you a boost in muscle mass with ease.

Regardless of how you put your efforts forward to learning methods of fighting, you are going to lose weight. You can do this from the comfort of your own home, or you can join a dojo, or get private classes. No matter which option you choose, you will end up losing weight, in due time. Learn to fight, and watch the weight you may have around your stomach, legs, arms, butt, and other areas start to diminish. Stick with it, and you could very well have six pack abs, over time. Of course, there’s more variables to weight loss than just this, but if you want a boost, then learning to fight is going to help you gain confidence, and of course weight loss with relative ease.
Resources To Help You Learn To Fight

The following are options that can help you learn how to fight today. These are recommended by me, and help in a variety of ways.

Combat Fighter – self defense for the real world, and something that you can learn on your own time, with proven results. Click HERE for a discount and information.

Renegade Mindset For Fighter – already know some self-defense? Or perhaps you want a psychological edge in your daily routine? Here is a solution that helps you get into the right mindset as a fighter. Click HERE for a discount and information.

Real Life Self Defense – want to learn how to fight the real way? Here is a focused solution that is meant to help you learn self defense with minimal effort, and through proven expertise. Click HERE for a discount and information.

Self Defense Lessons Via Amazon – Not sure where to start? Then Click HERE, and you can look through thousands of videos, books, and more about self-defense, learning, and so much more.

Wednesday, June 6, 2018

The Top 3 Reasons Why People Do Not Learn To Fight

Learn To Fight Without Excuses - Image of Woman's Fist In Self Defense Pose
While there are a lot of reasons why you will want to learn to fight, there are some people that have taken the opposite path. People today don’t want to learn how to fight, or don’t want to join a gym, and there’s plenty of reasons why they feel it’s ok not to do so. Now, my intent is not to tell you that you’re wrong, nor is it something that you shouldn’t think is ok, but rather, my intent is to show you why people do not learn self defense at all. These are reasons why people focus on learning anything but exercises to help with weight loss, and of course, self defense in general. Now, that doesn’t mean that they are absolutely wrong, or should be shamed, but rather, these are the simple reasons why people in general don’t learn to fight.

No Time To Learn

People often think that there is no time to learn how to fight. That’s ok, we all have busy lives, but did you know that taking one class is not going to ruin everything else? In fact, if you have children, or work a stressful job, you could learn on your own with guides, videos, and so much more. At the bottom of this post, for example, there are several links that can help you learn at your own pace, from experts that hear this excuse all the time. We don’t have time in general, but honestly, we all can make time, even if it is 10 to 15 minutes at a time, there’s always a little bit of time to learn how to defend ourselves and our family. This is a bad excuse.

It Is So Expensive

Yes! Learning in a traditional dojo, or just about anywhere that you may find near you could be costly. That does not mean that you cannot learn to fight on your own, or from home. The links below, for example are going to show you options that can cost as little as a penny! If you choose to purchase books from Amazon, for instance, many of them are only a penny used, and they have the vital information that you want to learn, in order to learn self defense with relative ease. If you absolutely have no money at all, that’s ok, you could still learn how to defend yourself at a very low cost, and in some instances, can take on free trials with the links below.

Nagging Injuries Prevent People From Learning How To Fight

This is one of the prominent reasons why people don’t learn to fight. You may have a valid argument here, as you may have hurt your knee, your back, or just about any other body part in the past. Learning how to fight and do extra moves can be tough on you, and that’s nothing to be ashamed about. However, if your goal is to learn any type of fighting method, you should know that you can actually help your body recover from injury. Not only that, you can learn how to use other parts of your body to compensate for those that are weakened through injury. The purpose of learning how to fight is not so much just learning “one” thing, but how to navigate several things with your body, to help with protecting yourself against nefarious individuals.

At the end of the day, you’re going to find that it’s easy to learn to fight. You just have to get over the excuses that you may have, and try to think of things outside of the box. Doing so will, help you ascertain the right balance, and get going with learning how to fight, the easy and fast way.

Resources To Help You Learn To Fight

The following are options that can help you learn how to fight today. These are recommended by me, and help in a variety of ways.

Combat Fighter – self defense for the real world, and something that you can learn on your own time, with proven results. Click HERE for a discount and information.

Renegade Mindset For Fighter – already know some self-defense? Or perhaps you want a psychological edge in your daily routine? Here is a solution that helps you get into the right mindset as a fighter. Click HERE for a discount and information.

Real Life Self Defense – want to learn how to fight the real way? Here is a focused solution that is meant to help you learn self defense with minimal effort, and through proven expertise. Click HERE for a discount and information.

Self Defense Lessons Via Amazon – Not sure where to start? Then Click HERE, and you can look through thousands of videos, books, and more about self-defense, learning, and so much more.

Why You Never Want To Get Into A Fight Without Confidence

Learn To Fight To Gain Confidence - Fighter Tapes Fist Before Bout Image
No one wakes up in the morning thinking that they want to fight. No one gets up wanting to fight someone physically. Even professional fighters don’t wake up wanting to throw their fists against skulls. Sure, there are some that are bullies and will have this pent-up anger, but in the case of your average person, fighting is not on the mind. Because of that, a lot of people do not learn how to fight. How do you build confidence for fighting, whether physically, mentally, or otherwise? There is one thing that you do not want to do, and that’s learn to fight in the heat of the moment, because chances are that you’re going to get hurt, and you may end up hurting someone else at the same time.

Fighting Without Confidence Is Terrible

Let’s assume that you don’t have any confidence, no training, and never figured out how to learn how to fight. If you are like many others, you will not have any confidence when danger strikes. Now, you may not think anything could happen, but what if it does? What if someone is threatening you, your family, or someone in a parking lot gets in your face when you parked in their spot? Do you just run? Or do you calmly prepare yourself in case they are violent? Most people aren’t prepared, or even confident at all. Without confidence, you may swing wildly, you may try desperation moves, and could cause harm to yourself, and anyone that may be around you. Simply put, this is not a good thing to try.

Anyone Can Learn How To Fight

When I suggest that you learn how to fight, I do not mean that you should become an MMA champion, or you should start kickboxing, or anything like that. It’s simply something that you should do at any stage of your life. Not everyone will want to do this, but it’s a good thing that has helped many people not only fight back against bullies, but has helped many gain self-confidence, motivation to lose weight, and has helped in self-defense. There’s a reason why many self defense books are still being read today, and many dojos are being put up across the world. Now, this is not a call for you to emulate Bruce Lee or Jackie Chan, but rather learning how to fight is not a complex thing, and honestly, even a 90-year-old man or woman can learn how to protect themselves from nefarious individuals.

Confidence Through Self Defense

At the end of the day, you should take to heart the notion that you can learn how to fight. It is within the process of learning, that you can get a bit of confidence in what your movements are, how your body reacts to certain things, and build your self-esteem up to all new levels. Again, this doesn’t mean that you’re going to be fighting people all the time, but when you have just a little bit of a boost in confidence, you will have different decision-making skills, and a boost when you need it most. Learn how to fight and you will see that it can help in nearly every aspect of your life, not just for self-defense.

Resources To Help You Learn To Fight

The following are options that can help you learn how to fight today. These are recommended by me, and help in a variety of ways.

Combat Fighter – self defense for the real world, and something that you can learn on your own time, with proven results. Click HERE for a discount and information.

Renegade Mindset For Fighter – already know some self-defense? Or perhaps you want a psychological edge in your daily routine? Here is a solution that helps you get into the right mindset as a fighter. Click HERE for a discount and information.

Real Life Self Defense – want to learn how to fight the real way? Here is a focused solution that is meant to help you learn self defense with minimal effort, and through proven expertise. Click HERE for a discount and information.

Self Defense Lessons Via Amazon – Not sure where to start? Then Click HERE, and you can look through thousands of videos, books, and more about self-defense, learning, and so much more.

Tuesday, June 5, 2018

3 Reasons Why You Should Learn To Fight

3 Reasons You Should Learn To Fight - Old Time Boxer Pose Picture
There are always going to be bullies that you are going to have to face off against in this life. No matter how you slice it, there are going to be physical altercations that you could be involved with. You could do one of two things. You could fight back, or you could run. While it’s safe to run in many cases, there are times when you may not have that option, and you may want to learn to fight. If you have never taken the time to really focus on learning to fight at all, and you’re not sure if this really matters to you or your family, take into consideration a few notes regarding why you should learn to fight.

You Can Protect Yourself and Others

The first reason why you should learn to fight is because you should protect yourself. You have no idea when someone’s going to get in your face, or in the face of your children and make fun or even try to get you involved in an altercation. The goal of learning to fight is not so that you can start pounding bullies left and right. The goal is to be confidence in knowing that if you had to, you can fight against someone that is going to pose harm to you or anyone that you’re with.

Building Confidence When Frustrated

Much like you may face off against altercations, you may face off against frustrations with other people. When you learn to fight, you are not just going to learn how to take control of a physical altercation, you are going to be able to have confidence to resolve conflict with calm, and without nerves. Some people do not like any sort of conflict and will sometimes want to jump away from it, sitting back down when they should be speaking up, and that’s not a good thing. When you learn to fight, you are not going to be facing off against physical danger many times, you will be training your body and mind to stay calm, especially when confronted, yelled at, or in an extremely stressful situation.

Learn To Fight For Exercise

Let’s say that you’re like many people, and there’s not going to be any sort of problem associated with your daily life, and you will not fight. There’s nothing wrong with a peaceful life, but there is a reason why you should learn to fight that goes beyond the notion of just self defense and confidence. One reason why you may want to pursue this is in light of the fact that it can be good exercise. Getting your aggression out is simple, and getting movement to your limps is a great thing. Professional fighters are mostly all fit, and honestly, you can be that fit too if you learn to fight and use proper movements to train your body. Plus, it’s fun too!

Resources To Help You Learn To Fight

The following are options that can help you learn how to fight today. These are recommended by me, and help in a variety of ways.

Combat Fighter – self defense for the real world, and something that you can learn on your own time, with proven results. Click HERE for a discount and information.

Renegade Mindset For Fighter – already know some self-defense? Or perhaps you want a psychological edge in your daily routine? Here is a solution that helps you get into the right mindset as a fighter. Click HERE for a discount and information.

Real Life Self Defense – want to learn how to fight the real way? Here is a focused solution that is meant to help you learn self defense with minimal effort, and through proven expertise. Click HERE for a discount and information.

Self Defense Lessons Via Amazon – Not sure where to start? Then Click HERE, and you can look through thousands of videos, books, and more about self-defense, learning, and so much more.
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I'm a happy go lucky blogger and SEO digital marketer with a knack for writing and communications online. I love scary movies, kung fu movies, and music. Drop me a line if you're interested in any of those things. Follow me on twitter